Tha Drop

Myspace Graphics

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My TriButE 2 U2

So i was very very very depressed yesterday about my job hunting and what not so i chatted with a couple of friends and i just want to give them their props so here i go: Jasmine Jache Hart Craig Black Johnson [note there is no Weathers]{Inside joke} A*K*A Lady WSBP B*K*A my sister from another mister, i love you so much and thank you for being there when my own flesh and blood was doubtin me, keep up the good work; and Cerise Woolen A*K*A Reese Diva™ i love you and thank you for giving me hope in such a hopeless situation. Thank you girls again and i love yall again good friends are hard to find, im glad i found yall.